Today, more than ever before, security is a key issue for virtually every organization and individual. No matter the size of your business or the services provided, the potential for risk and threats occur daily and evolve constantly. Because of that fluidity, virtually everyone has a “security gap"
Global Secure Resources Inc.(GLOSEC) is an International Corporation dedicated to risk mitigation and threat assessment planning. GLOSEC is supported by program experts in a variety of specialized fields including, commerce, finance and security. Almost exclusively our partners come from the ranks of the US Department of State, Foreign Service and Federal Law Enforcement. GLOSEC employs the same cutting edge technology and analysis utilized by Diplomats and industry leaders across the globe to build commerce while ensuring the safety and security of personnel and infrastructure (read more).
Global Secure Student - Each year thousands of students will die, be severely injured or become the victims of crime while involved in a school sponsored trip or academic setting. Unfortunately many institutions for a variety of reasons have inadequate or flawed reporting when it comes to the safety and security of their campus. An even greater concern is the Increased victimization of students involved with academic programs off campus where security protocols are limited or non-existent. GLOSEC Student addresses these concerns with a prevention strategy geared toward the individual student and their activities both on and off campus, including participation in study abroad programs, community service projects, work internships, field trips, off-site housing, sporting events and social activities. Read more about how for as little as $9.95, you can provide a special gift of security for your friends, neighbors or children (read more).
Global Secure Family - You have looked forward to that cruise or perhaps that family vacation but how much do you really know about your destination and the dangers that await? What happens if you become sick, need replacement medicine or become the victim of an accident or crime? Who will warn you of a rash of criminal activity occurring where you will be visiting or the latest crime trends involving tourists? Even closer to home, who do you contact when you need confidential background information regarding the neighborhood where you may be moving or the history of the nanny that has been entrusted to watch your children? GLOSEC Family is pleased to provide the same level of services to families as we provide to our business customers. We believe that our clients should be safe where they work, live, explore and raise a family. Although we have a global reach, we also have a local presence. Read more about how we can assist you with a variety of our services ranging from travel risk mitigation to background verification services (read more).
Global Secure Orientation - The United States attracts more than 65 million visitors each year and for many this new environment can be exciting yet challenging at the same time. Even for Americans, our culture and customs vary dramatically by neighborhood, city and state. At GLOSEC we believe that knowledge contributes to a safe, productive and enjoyable stay and we are happy to offer our orientation to all visitors so that they can understand the potential obstacles and cultural nuances they will encounter in the new city where they will be visiting, living, or attending school (read more).
Global Secure Business - In todays economy many business leaders are challenged with reducing risk while ensuring the security for their personnel and critical programs. At GLOSEC Business we provide specialized resources in areas central to business development, risk mitigation and incident action planning. We understand that confidentiality is paramount when our investigative services are required especially for matters involving background investigations, intellectual property cases, litigation support, embezzlement, due diligence research and covert surveillance. Our investigations are conducted by industry professionals, who come from many different disciplines and have held the nations highest government security clearances. Our commitment to excellence ensures that the investigative methodology will be customized to your industry needs resulting in the resources required to make sound business decisions (read more).